Tom’s Story

I first started experiencing symptoms of ulcerative colitis in 2016, I started to pass blood along with pain and fatigue. After 6 months of hospital trips and uncertainty I was diagnosed with UC. 

I was put on medication that half managed my symptoms but kept them at bay enough to live a somewhat normal life. In 2020 through lockdown I was advised to reduce my medication without calprotectin tests which resulted in me being hospitalised and having a lengthy course of steroids to get the major flare up under control.

The following 6 months was the hardest, trying to find another medication whilst getting horrible side effects from the failed attempts and becoming intolerant to certain food. I finally ended up on biologic treatment, which I am still on and is working great. I still have ups and downs and still get mini flare ups, the anxiety is still there around having to explain my situation and being too far away from the toilet, my diet is still affected but this is the closest I have felt to living normal. 

I tried climbing for the first time just before being diagnosed and it has been a constant throughout, it helps clear my head and stay positive when my health isn’t 100%. Climbing feels like my way to prove to myself this condition can’t win! 

If you have a story you’d like to share, please get in touch through our e-mail or Instagram.


Paige’s Story


Matilda’s Story